Jul 27, 2018
This week, Dave kicks things off with a palate cleansing Riedel's Recaps after last week's weedfest: the overlong yet charming NOTTING HILL (6:57), the award-winning sex, lies, and videotape (12:29), and the par creepy, part interesting, thoroughly '90s BEAUTIFUL GIRLS (13:32). Next, Evan revisits romantic comedy, FOOLS...
Jul 20, 2018
Just how old was the PEZ that Evan ate recently? Find out on this week’s episode! After the guys chomp through the answer, Evan and Kris share their most triumphant experience watching the Slaughterhouse Movie Club’s burlesque show and presentation of BILL & TED’S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE (5:15) on the big screen. Next...
Jul 13, 2018
HAPPY FOURTH ANNIVERSARY TO SPOILERPIECE! We forgot to mention it until the end, so we thought we'd mention it here up front. Kris is out of town so we're joined by special guest Sean Burns. On the docket: Riedel's Recaps with SNEAKERS (3:00) and ANT-MAN AND THE WASP (7:18). Then it's a documentary download with RBG...
Jul 6, 2018
With Evan is back from his Florida honeymoon (!!), the guys have some catching up to do. First Dave gives us his take on ANNIHILATION (3:25), then it's a whole heaping helping of Creancaps (7:42): CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER, DR. STRANGE, PATTI CAKE$, and COCO. Then it's on to this week's new releases, both...