Apr 24, 2015
It’s fan mail day on Spoilerpiece Theatre. Dave reads a letter his editors received at the Santa Fe Reporter, and the writer, in admonishing Dave for using foul language, swears more than Dave ever does in print. Evan rips LITTLE BOY a new one, Kris gets into history with his review of Russell Crowe's THE...
Apr 17, 2015
It’s a tangent kinda night at Spoilerpiece! We open with a lengthy discussion of the new STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS trailer. Evan and Kris are on board. Dave has doubts (to say the least). Kris points out that Evan and Dave are the kinds of guys who would sit in the back of the classroom, pass notes, and...
Apr 10, 2015
“AM I ACTING IRRATIONALLY?” shouts Dave after a long anti-Nicholas Sparks rant. It’s an epic episode this week, kids. Kris admits he didn’t turn to look at the people behind him at the screening of the Sparks adaptation THE LONGEST RIDE because “I didn’t want them to get mad in my face.” Evan and Dave...
Apr 3, 2015
Vin Diesel said FURIOUS 7 should win Best Picture if the Oscars want to be relevant. Hey, NOTHING could make the Oscars relevant, not even THIS KICK-ASS PIECE OF AWESOME MOVIE. Holy crap, is it amazing. It’s not FAST & FURIOUS 6, but it’s close. Also on the show, Dave shows off his love for the German accent when...