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May 25, 2018

We RARELY make mistakes on Spoilerpiece, but when we do, we don’t cower or deny it. WE OWN IT, MAN. So we start off episode 202 with a correction (2:59) regarding our DEADPOOL 2 segment from episode 201. Then it’s “Keeping Up with the Jensons” because Kris saw SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY (4:39)! Next it’s...

May 18, 2018

Here we are at episode 201, kids! We made it! Evan kicks the show off with a Crewind of GENTLEMAN’S AGREEMENT (3:04), a 1947 film about anti-Semitism starring Gregory Peck. Kris follows up with DEADPOOL 2 (11:14), a movie that Kris feels differently about from most critics. Then Dave and Evan go into...

May 11, 2018

Hey everybody! It’s the 200th episode of Spoilerpiece Theatre! You may have noticed some different music at the opening to commemorate it. We also recorded on Kris’s birthday, so the opening muzak is doubly significant! We kick things off with an episode of KEEPING UP WITH THE JENSONS covering THE LOST BOYS (3:20)....

May 4, 2018

This week, Evan runs us through his experiences with the best of IFFBoston (4:18) -- EIGHTH GRADE, WON'T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR?, many great docs. But it's the not-so-best -- THIRD MURDER -- that intrigues Kris with its strange premise and stranger name. Kris then gushes about his experience hosting the Q and A for the...