Jan 22, 2021
After a everyone talks a little bit about the inauguration and plugs recent guest appearances on the Screen Fix podcast, Evan and Megan review OUTSIDE THE WIRE (5:05), a Netflix sci-fi film starring Anthony Mackie. Next, Dave and Megan discuss the dramedy BREAKING FAST (18:18), Mike Mosallam's directorial debut about a gay Muslim man navigating romantic challenges during the month of Ramadan. Then, Megan and Evan dig into IDENTIFYING FEATURES (33:59), Fernanda Valadez's drama about a mother traveling across Mexico looking for her son, who authorities say died trying to cross into the U.S. Everyone wraps up with THE WHITE TIGER (53:06), Ramin Bahrani's Netflix drama about an Indian servant, trying to break free from his employers. And in this week's Patreon exclusive audio, we review a Patron's choice, the 1985 martial arts flick THE LAST DRAGON.