Sep 17, 2021
We open the show by reviewing Julie Cohen and Betsy West's compelling documentary MY NAME IS PAULI MURRAY (2:01). The film celebrates the life of Pauli Murray, a non-binary lawyer, poet, and priest, who you've probably never heard of, but definitely should have because of their enormous impact on civil rights in the U.S. Next, we take on Jonah Feingold's DATING & NEW YORK (20:04), a disappointingly derivative rom-com that's neither rom nor com to any of us. Lastly, we cover James Wan's MALIGNANT (38:48), a bonkers film that we all had a blast watching, and have just as much fun spoiling, but has us arguing whether it qualifies as "horror" or a "psychological thriller." And on this week's Patreon exclusive audio, we talk about the 2009 Richard Curtis film PIRATE RADIO aka THE BOAT THAT ROCKED.