Sep 15, 2017
We have a bumper crop of movies on this week's show (have we used that description before?)! First, it's a bout of RIEDEL'S RECAPS, with James Bridges' BRIGHT LIGHTS, BIG CITY (3:57) and John McTiernan's THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER (10:03). Then we're KEEPING UP WITH THE JENSON's and his take on MEMINO (14:32) (not to be confused with MEMENTO or former Boston mayor Tom Menino). Evan takes one for the team and watches REBEL IN THE RYE, which is NOT about Rebel Wilson, but J.D. Salinger (27:00). Then it's THE WOMEN'S BALCONY (36:02), an Israeli film that Evan missed at the Boston Jewish Film Festival but is making up for it now. Lastly, it's AMERICAN ASSASSIN (42:33), which Kris and Dave saw together against their better judgment (Evan took a pass - kudos to him).