Oct 25, 2024
This week we watched THE LINE (2:41), a drama (sometimes called a thriller, but eh) about a fraternity brother who gets mixed up in his frat’s shady pledge shenanigans. Does it result in someone’s death? Does the Pope shit in the woods? Then we watched MAGPIE (27:12), an atmospheric thriller starring Daisy...
Oct 18, 2024
This week, Megan reviews SMILE 2 (2:06), Parker Finn's grisly sequel to his great horror film SMILE, about a pop star (Naomi Scott) contending with addiction recovery and a new tour amidst sinister occurrences. The sequel is much more nerve-wracking and gory! Then, we all (Dave, Evan, and Megan) talk about MADS (16:09),...
Oct 11, 2024
This week Evan and Dave kick things off with THE LAST OF THE SEA WOMEN (3:07) (after Dave forgets to do his own intro at the top; whoops), a documentary about the haenyeo, a declining and aging community of women in Jeju, South Korea, who dive for seafood as a job - or, as Evan more accurately describes it, a calling -...
Oct 4, 2024
Hey, gang! There were some delivery problems this week, so we only have one new movie on the docket: MONKEY MAN! (Just kidding. That's on Patreon. Patrons can listen to that episode here.) No, this week we cover the new Dust Bowl psychological drama/horror flick HOLD YOUR BREATH (2:22), starring Sarah Paulson as a...